• Dynamic Sparemint Site Redo

    Sparemint Dev Site: I suppose some people around here really don’t know me. There’s not too much to me really. I suppose there’s one thing that can really sum up my complete lack of professional programming skills - poor planning. The sparemint site was pretty decent but due to some serious errors in the database schema things were pretty limited. An RPM package consists of the following parts. A source rpm, which when built generates one or more binary rpms.
  • Sparemint website progress this time

    Maybe my life is boring, but I encountered what I feel to be a major problem. The new sparemint site is designed to be 100% community controlled, perhaps with a web administrator to handle db emergencies and such, but it’s designed such that so long as a few people are around, sparemint can progress. Not to say Frank Naumann will disappear at any point in time, but I firmly believe bringing the community into the process will help to germinate a growth in MiNT.