• Sparemint Updater GEM UI Code

    I managed to pry myself away from Anarchy Online tonight to work on GEM. I’ve been getting somewhat obsessed with this online game which is probably a bad thing ;) Anyway, tonight I did 99% of the code for updating via the GUI interface. This puts the sparemint updater ready for a 0.1 release, and it’ll make it functional and ready to switch the dev website to live. Pretty cool.
  • More SUM... and GCC

    Well today I worked a lot on SUM and during the last few days I’ve been attempting to get GCC compiled. Now a lot of people have succeeded in “compiling” the gcc 3.3x branch but as far as I know, nobody has produced a working g++ compiler. Now, we can’t move on in sparemint without it in my opinion because there’s almost certainly a few package in our current repository that are C++ or have C++ in them.
  • More SUM Work

    Well, since SQLite3 is now compiled I started building support for it into SUM. Then I started moving some old data storage to sqlite and this started happening at a blinding pace. Before the end of the night I had client side update resolution and information displays complete. A few more days work is all it will take. Once completed, all that will really be necessary is conflict/dependency resolution but such things are not currently important to sparemint users.